
Articles by Timberline Knolls Staff

Benefits of Women’s-Only Mental Health Treatment

Women and adolescent girls often have specific needs when seeking help for mental health. Recent research indicates that some mental health concerns are more common in women than in men. They include depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders.   In particular, younger women ages 18-25 are more likely than males to struggle with mental health concerns such as any … Read More

The Power of Pause in ED Recovery

There are a lot of common phrases in recovery such as: Recovery isn’t linear Recovery is a process Relapses happen Relapses are a part of the process Recovery is a journey One part of the process that isn’t often described with a catchy phrase, but is felt frequently, is feeling stuck. There isn’t movement forward … Read More

The Importance of Continued Care

Continuity of care refers to the seamless provision of healthcare services, and it is a cornerstone of effective behavioral health treatment. Delivering consistent and uninterrupted care for individuals ensures that their needs are holistically addressed as they progress through the healing process. While taking part in intensive treatment such as residential care can be an … Read More

New Year… of Health and Happiness!

With the New Year quickly approaching, more promotions of “self-improvement” through dieting and weight loss are going to be popping up. Losing weight has been the most common New Year’s resolution for many, many years. Yet, why do people keep returning to the same New Year’s resolution if it hasn’t been successful and hasn’t increased … Read More

Supporting Mothers In Recovery

Pursuing treatment for an eating disorder or another mental health concern can be incredibly difficult, especially for mothers who may be facing leaving their children and families for the first time. The complexity of this decision can be compounded by the demands of motherhood, which often include sleepless nights, postpartum adjustments, and relationship changes.   Timberline … Read More

The Connection Between Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are mental health conditions affecting millions worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 280 million people suffer from depression, and more than 300 million have anxiety disorders. Although these mental health conditions are common, many people may be hesitant to seek help due to stigma, shame, and fear of judgment from others. … Read More

The Healing Power of Sound

On a day-to-day basis, we experience the benefits of sound in many subtle ways. And often without even recognizing it. Whether in the form of a soothing song, the calming sounds of nature, or a crackling fireplace, sound has the ability to captivate our minds and induce relaxation. When applied to therapy, this concept is … Read More

Depression Rates Are at New Highs, Especially Among Women

The COVID-19 pandemic brought fresh awareness to the topic of mental health while at the same time placing unprecedented stress on people’s coping resources and well-being. One study, which looked at changes in the prevalence of depressive symptoms during the pandemic, found that 32.8% of U.S. adults suffered from elevated depressive symptoms in 2021, compared … Read More

Eating Disorders are Not Visible

“Less than 6% of people with eating disorders are medically diagnosed as ‘underweight’” – National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) Let’s reflect on this statistic. There is still a widespread FALSE belief that eating disorders are visible and that it looks like someone in an emaciated or very thin body. The statistic … Read More

An Antidote to Celebrity Wellness Routines: Be Yourself & Seek Joy

Recently, Gwyneth Paltrow has faced backlash from health experts and members of the public after sharing the details of her daily “wellness routine.” Paltrow’s routine, which she discussed on the podcast “The Art of Being Well,” involves coffee in the morning, bone broth for lunch, and a vegetable-heavy paleo dinner. Many people have criticized Paltrow’s … Read More