Drug Addiction Treatment Center for Women

Drug addiction is a disease that can have serious, even fatal, consequences if left untreated. Women or adolescent girls who are struggling with drug use are at risk for significant harm to their lives. 

 Mayo Clinic says that women and adolescent girls who are suffering from drug addiction are unable to control their drug use and continue to abuse drugs even if it causes damage to their health or relationships. 

Recognizing Drug Addiction 

Women and girls who are struggling with drug abuse may do certain things that could be warning signs that they need professional help. Acting out in these ways does not necessarily mean a girl or woman is suffering from drug addiction, but these behaviors could warrant a greater conversation. 

These are common warning signs of drug addiction: 

  • Urge to use drugs daily or several times a day 
  • Needs more drugs to feel the same effects 
  • Buys drugs even when she can’t afford them 
  • Does things she normally wouldn’t to get drugs 
  • Spends significant amount of time getting drugs 
  • Struggles to stop taking drugs after several attempts

What Does Drug Withdrawal Look Like? 

Struggling with drug use can lead a woman or girl to develop a tolerance to the drug she’s been using, making it harder to experience the same effects she did from lesser amounts. She may also start to suffer from withdrawal symptoms within hours of last taking the drug. 

Women and girls who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms may have stomach cramps and vomiting, and they will likely sweat and tremble. Some girls and women going through drug withdrawal also experience muscle pain and have trouble sleeping. 

Withdrawal symptoms can be painful and distressing, which is why many girls and women struggle to stop taking drugs. But with professional help, they can detox safely and begin the recovery process. 

Effects of Drug Addiction 

Without treatment, a woman or girl who is struggling with drug abuse will likely suffer from worsening drug addiction symptomsContinuing to use drugs can cause long-lasting harm to countless areas of a woman’s or girl’s life. In some cases, drug addiction can be deadly. 

These are common effects of drug addiction: 

  • Poor job performance or job loss 
  • Drop in grades or school expulsion 
  • Frequent arrest or incarceration 
  • Loss of relationships with loved ones 
  • Chronic health problems 
  • Financial instability 
  • Development of other mental health concerns 
  • Thoughts of suicide osuicide attempts 
  • Accidental overdose  

Benefits of Drug Addiction Treatment 

Even if it feels like you have drug addiction under control right now, professional treatment can empower you to take the wheel. 

Getting drug addiction treatment is the first step to making the positive changes you need to start living a sober life. You can enter detoxification, which is professional help for removing the drugs from your body in a way that minimizes painful and distressing withdrawal symptoms. Drug addiction treatment can also teach you coping tools that you can turn to when cravings arise. 

Many women and girls who seek drug addiction treatment also discover the power of building their recovery communitiesDrug addiction can feel isolating, but you will see that you are not alone in your recovery journey. 

Choosing the Right Drug Addiction Treatment 

Not every woman or girl who seeks drug addiction treatment is at the same place on the road to recovery. 

At Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, we offer residential drug addiction treatment and partial hospitalization programming (PHP) to meet women and girls where they are in their recovery process. 

  • Residential drug addiction treatment: Women and girls can benefit from a trauma-informed approach and round-the-clock care from our multidisciplinary team of experts. 
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Adult women take part in structured, daylong treatment that offers them the chance to apply their new coping skills in real-life settings. 

Our team will take the time to understand your needs so we can recommend the level of care that’s best for you. 

Therapies Used to Treat Drug Addiction 

No two people heal the same way, and successful recovery often requires using a combination of multiple, evidence-based interventions. 

In many cases, drug addiction treatment begins with our ambulatory, nonmedical detoxification services. This helps women and girls rid their bodies of the drugs they’ve been using as safely and comfortably as possible. 

During your time at our drug addiction treatment center, you may experience: 

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) 
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)  
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 
  • Experiential therapies  
  • Motivational interviewing 
  • 12 steps of recovery 

You may take part in process and psychoeducational groups that cover topics such as coping skills, medication management, and skill-building. We also offer women and girls the opportunity to meet individually with a therapist twice a week. We can schedule these sessions based on progress and need.  

This content was reviewed and approved by the clinical staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. 

Timberline Knolls’ PHP program has given me my life back. Stepping down to PHP with supportive living from Residential care was a huge help in allowing me to re-acclimate back into day-to-day life and responsibilities and prepared me for ultimate success in living independently when returning home. I was treated with love, respect, and care while I relearned how to be an adult in recovery. I owe my recovery to Timberline Knolls PHP. The staff, community, and supportive living made the difference between succeeding after discharge and meeting my goals, and staying stuck in my old ways and habits. I would recommend this program to anyone looking to change their life for the better.

- Sarah T

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