
Yearly Archives: 2021

Preparing Adolescents for School After the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the mental health of young people, causing a disruption to their social lives and the way they attend school. Now, as adolescents prepare to return to in-person classes in the fall, experts are interested in the stress-related growth (SRG) they may have experienced over the course of … Read More

Why Eating Disorder Symptoms Might Worsen in Summer

For many, summer is the best season of the year, with a break from school, warmer weather, and fun vacations. However, for people who are struggling with an eating disorder, the summer months present new challenges in managing symptoms and maintaining recovery. Understanding why summer may be more challenging can help individuals who are struggling, … Read More

The Link Between Eating Disorders & Stimulant Addiction

Eating disorders frequently co-occur with addiction, and stimulants are among the many substances people turn to when they are struggling with these devastating conditions. Understanding Co-Occurring Stimulant Addiction Stimulants include illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines and prescription medications such as Adderall and Ritalin. Every person has unique experiences that influence why they start … Read More

History of Eating Disorders Linked to Depression in Mothers

Pregnancy and childbirth are typically joyful times. But when you have a mental health disorder, it can keep you from truly experiencing that joy. For some women, a history of eating disorders may increase their risk for developing depression after having a child — even years down the road. Research Finds New Link Researchers from … Read More

Drunkorexia in College Students

Drunkorexia is a term used to describe disordered eating behaviors involving heavy use of alcohol. While drunkorexia isn’t a clinical term or formal diagnosis, it shares traits with several recognized eating disorders as well as alcohol use disorder. Drunkorexia could affect college women the most, with many of its traits and other eating disorder habits … Read More

TikTok and Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Scrolling through TikTok offers a welcome escape during the pandemic, something more adolescents than ever have been doing to stay connected with friends. But the video content the social platform serves its users is not always harmless entertainment. Many adolescents are seeing videos that promote eating disorders, and the impact on their mental health can … Read More