
New Project Strives to Combat Body Dissatisfaction

Negative body image has been growing throughout our country for quite some time; and what used to be confined to the female population, has rapidly move into the male population as well.

At Timberline Knolls, we are increasingly aware that this trend has moved out of mere body dissatisfaction and into the realm of body hatred. So many women and men today hate their bodies because they are not perfect—they do not resemble the thin, fit bodies of those who exist in the world of celebrity.

That’s why we are proud to partner with supermodel and internationally recognized advocate for positive body image, Emme, in a new revolutionary project.

The first weekend in August, Emme and her team of social media interns traveled the streets of New York City, filming and live-tweeting for a new documentary. The mission was to ask 100 men and women one question: If you woke up and loved your body, how would your life be different and why?

Instead of talking to famous celebrities like so many of the entertainment outlets, they were interacting with real people with real bodies about real feelings.

Once the campaign is complete, the #BodyBeaUtiful interviews will serve as a body image series for YouTube’s SupermodelEmme Channel.

The YouTube series will show how prevalent body bashing is today, among both men and women; hopefully, it will open the audience’s eyes as to how this negativity adversely affects everyone’s lives on a daily basis.

Emme hopes the responses from interviewees will also provide insight into how contemporary society’s narrow viewpoint of a person’s body holds people back instead of propelling them towards better health, a better life, or a “better” body. Those who view the series or film will be encouraged to think of ways to improve self-talk and corporate decision making for the betterment of the society as a whole.